Goal-setting season is upon us, and with it come big dreams and bold ambitions. And while yes, dreaming big is key to your business’s success, if those ambitions are not grounded in reality, you simply will not be able to attain them.
No one wants to fall flat. So, don’t. Keep your goals and expectations aligned so you can realize success more quickly.
To that end, here are some strategies to help you set attainable marketing goals in 2025.
Start Where You’re At
Goals only work when they’re meaningful and relevant to where you are and where you want to go. Plucking a random metric out of the air helps no one and will only result in failure. We’ve worked with clients who’ve said they want to generate 100 new leads per month. Ok, that’s great, but what’s the context behind this number? If said client is currently pulling in only a handful of leads per month, expecting to suddenly achieve 100 will only lead to frustration.
Instead, review your current data. If you want to increase your email open rate, look at your numbers and consider industry averages so you have a baseline for setting new goals.
Identify Your Marketing Objectives
Similarly, your marketing goals should align with your overall business objectives. Make them meaningful. Consider your organization-wide priorities, and then develop new marketing goals that are relevant to these objectives.
Train for a Marathon and the Sprint
Breaking down larger goals to include several short-term milestones can help you knock out wins more quickly. An effective goal-setting strategy generally includes both short- and long-term marketing goals.
Short-term goals are achievable within 3-6 months. They help drive immediate results that build momentum. Long-term goals usually span 6 months to several years. They focus on sustained growth, such as building brand authority, achieving market share or developing a loyal customer base. A healthy mix of both goal types helps focus your efforts, so you start seeing results faster.
Make Your Goals SMART
Lastly, you’ve heard this before, but that’s because it works! A SMART goal is Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant and Time-bound. Using a goal-setting framework like SMART helps you stay focused on your mission while establishing clear and timely parameters for completion. An example of a SMART marketing goal might be: “Grow organic web traffic by 50% in 12 months by optimizing content for SEO and targeting relevant keywords.”Setting attainable goals drives success, but it takes work to develop them. It requires reflection and foresight, but when done well, it can help accelerate your marketing efforts. To learn more about setting goals and building a successful marketing program, contact our team at The Found Gen today.