Your inbox is waiting for you the minute you wake up in the morning and it doesn’t stop until you turn it off at night (and not even then, really). If it feels like you’re submerged in a deluge of email messages, you’re not alone. We too know what it feels like to be inundated with irrelevant messages and sub-par subject lines.
But as you swipe through your inbox, every now and then you may notice something that gives you pause, begs you to ponder, and maybe, just maybe, click open. Yes, those are the emails we’re going to talk about. Those are the emails that make an impact, and shouldn’t every message you send to your clients or potential clients make an impact?
Here’s a simple formula for giving your emails the edge they need to get opened, get read, and get them across the finish line:
Get your email newsletters opened
Your emails can’t make an impact if they are not even opened. So, step one is to craft a compelling enough subject line that intrigues your readers to take the next step and open your message. But it’s not just the subject line that matters, it’s also the combination of having a trustworthy and familiar “from” name and email address combined with that captivating subject line.
Get your emails read
Start your email with maximum value – get to the point right away and give them a reason to continue reading your message. When you offer a relevant message and write it in a way that connects with your readers, you are much more likely to get them to take action.
Get them take an action
At the end of each email, it’s your turn to ask something of your reader. A smart and simple call-to-action is just what it takes to nudge them along. Maybe it’s something like, “Let’s Do It!” or “Sign Me Up.” Your call-to-action should be clear and impactful. Buttons work well, bold or different colored fonts do too – anything to stand out from the rest of your message and force your reader to take notice.
Writing an impactful email doesn’t have to be hard, but you do have to be smart about it. With short attention spans and stiff competition in your readers’ inboxes, taking the time to write a careful email can be the difference between your message ending up in the trash bin (or worse – spam!) and securing a new lead.
For help with email and all of your content marketing needs, we’ve got you covered. Contact us today at The Found Gen or hit us up on Instagram @thefoundgen.